But Ra kept on being the pharaoh. So Isis one day sneaked into his palace, collected some of the gods saliva and fashioned a cobra that bit Ra. All of the gods tried to cure Ra but nobody knew how to. Then smart Isis pretending to cry told him that she could cure him only if she knew his secret name (his name of power). Ra was in so much pain that he agreed to tell Isis his secret name. Isis had now control over Ra and forced him to retreat into the heavens. Creating way for Osiris, the one she loved, to become pharaoh.
The Death of Osiris
The new life of Osiris
Isis returned and hid the coffing in the reeds of the Nile. But Set who was out hunting found it and cut the body of Osiris into 15 pieces. Isis & her divorced sister Nephtys spent years looking for him. They found all of the pieces except 1 who had been swallowed by a fish (I supose you already know the name of that piece) and with the help of Anubis (the son of Nephtys & Set) revived him. Sadly they couldn't fully revive him so he had to become the king of the Duat (the underworld). When Horus grew up he realised that it was time that somebody avenged his father. That somebody was him.
The War Between Set & Horus
Horus grew up strong & healthy. He marched up to the palace to challenge Set. The war started instantly. The followers of Horus & Set clashed & the Nile went red with blood. The mortals fled in terror as the armies clashed. Villages were destroyed & cities were reduced to ruble. The rest of the gods saw how Egypt little by little was annihilated. So they called a truce. The gods decided to have a trial to see who was the most fitting. Set would only agree if Isis didn't participate. They agreed. But Isis new that without her Horus had no chance of winning the trial, Horus was a leader & a fighter, not a speaker. So she went to her sister Nephtys & she agreed to help her. Isis with her magic transformed into Nephtys & went to the judjement (that, was on an island). The ferryman had strict orders not to let Isis pass and when he saw "Nephtys" he let her pass. There Isis went directly to Set. Isis wore a beautiful long blue dress & went Set saw her, thinking she was really Nephtys, fell again inlove, for even though he was divorced he still had hidden feelings for her. "Nephtys" gave Set drinks & alchohol till he was completly drunk. Then she told him:
"Oh darling, I love you but I also love my son. So I aks you to swear to me that you will not harm my him & you will let him become Pharaoh". Set swore. Then Isis laughing turned again into her self & all of the gods laughed to see how Isis had tricked him. Horus became pharaoh but his troubles didn't end there. When his oath didn't bare Set any longer he recruited and army and marched towards the palace to fight Horus. Horus went to the uncle who shared his name, also called Harmachis for support. And there was war in Egypt again. In that terrible battle Set poked Horus's eye out but Thoth replaced it with one made of moonlight. In the end Horus cut Set's head off and banished him out of the palace for ever. Set from then on journeyed throught the sky & the Duat in Ra's sun boat. It was his job to kill every night the evil serpent of chaos: Apophis.
The Prey of Sekhmet (everyone)
Even though Seth had been disposed of Apophis, the supreme serpent of evil, chaos was working evil. He entered the thoughts of the followers that before belonged to Set and they turned against the gods. The gods were afraid for the mortals were many in number & they had Apophis on their side. So they begged Ra to come back, He organised a meeting and there he told them:
"What should I do? Should I destroy them with a glance of my All Seeing Eye or should I sent against them Sekhmet? Send Sekhmet they answerd, for if you sent your All Seeing Eye your glance will also burn the earth and it will turn into a desert with no end. So Sekhmet the lion-goddess was sent after them but when she tasted the blood of the mortals she killed she disn't stop, she killed the wicked & the kind during the day & in the night she would drink their blood.The gods again turned to Ra again for help and he mixed beer with red ochre and left it outside her cave. When she came out to hunt that day she found the red beer & thinking it was blood drank it till the very last drop. When she was finished she was so drunk that they could easily bring her back & turn her into a more civilized goddess: Hathor, lady of Love.
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